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“Soni,” meaning “shy” or “shame” in Nyanja, is about a girl who isn’t shy about expressing herself and living in her truth. I wrote this song as a letter to my younger self but I began to hear it as a letter from my grandma. When I was young, shame was often my go-to response and this caused me to be super shy, hiding my authentic self. But when I sang and danced, it brought so much joy to my grandma and in those moments, I was truly myself. When singing and dancing, the younger version of me was not shy about who she was despite what other people said. But as I grew older, I lost confidence in myself as the pressures and negativity of the world started to weigh on me. I wrote this song to remind myself that I still have her spirit within me.

Through this song, my hope is that people will be encouraged to allow their inner child to come to life, celebrate themselves, and be confident in who they are.

Jean Nangwala is a singer-songwriter who inspires joy and celebration through the beauty of her Zambian culture.

Bridging together an Afrocentric sound from an international perspective, her unique voice brings awareness to the diverse stories of African women. Her unique sound is an experiential journey—a bridge between cultures, a balm healing life’s pain, a remedy of hope and possibility. With themes inspired by self-love and celebration, justice and enlightenment, strength and beauty, pain and joy, Jean’s authentic and transcendent voice forges a new pathway. Her music inspires others to find liberation through their stories. Jean is a survivor-advocate and host of the YouTube Channel, Tales of a Black Girl.